· website
· print: posters, programs, brochures
· conference organization
· branding
· products: T-shirts, conference products
· organizational consultation
» Keepers of the Water VI program (4.7Mb PDF)
» summary document with samples (15.7Mb PDF)
Keepers of the Water is a non-profit organization working with local Keepers organizations in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories to protect watersheds and Aboriginal food supply, health, and way of life. Among its activities, Keepers of the Water holds an annual conference in conjunction with local First Nations communities in areas of concern, drawing hundreds of participants from across Canada and internationally. Norine Wark was co-chair of the Keepers of the Water II conference (2007), held in Fort St. John.
Wilton+Wark provides ongoing consultation and media development to promote the Keepers of the Water as a national organization, as well as its local chapters such as the Keepers of the Athabasca. Beyond providing graphic design services, we are actively involved in the constitution of Keepers of the Water.